Manchester Escorts 247 respects the privacy of the individual user accessing the Website and is committed to protecting your privacy.
When calling the receptionist any personal details such as your name, phone number, postal address, email address, or contact number which may be given in order to arrange your date with one of our escorts, is treated with the utmost respect and confidentiality.
Manchester Escorts 247 is part of a group of long established and highly respected escort agencies and as such is confident of its high reputation in protecting your personal details.
Strict security standards are in place to deny any unauthorised access to your personal data once we have received it and whenever and wherever possible we will use security software and working procedures designed to ensure the secure status of such personal data. In order to deny unauthorised access and ensure only the appropriate use of personal data, we have employed actual, electronic, and in-office managerial processes to safeguard and secure any information given.